The Faraja Cancer Support Trust was founded in 2010 with the aim of providing emotional, practical and healing support to anyone
affected by cancer. Faraja offers services to complement medical treatment through information, free complementary therapies,
support groups meetings, art/music therapy, food aid for inpatient oncology children at Kenyatta National Hospital and financial
assistance for medical treatment. Our premises provide a safe haven for cancer patients and their caregivers to access our free
services, which has enabled us to make a positive difference in the journey of over 5,000 cancer patients. Our long-standing
relationships with a variety of supporters make us sustainable. We are here for the long term. We bring help, hope and life.

i. Faraja Cancer Support Trust: Programs

Faraja’s activities are anchored around 6 main pillars:

Complementary therapies- Complementary therapies are used to help cancer patients manage symptoms, reduce side effects and
restore a sense of control and vitality. Research 1 has shown that when a cancer patient practices complementary therapies, their
prognosis is better. It not only boosts their physical health, but, also helps them and their care-givers, deal with the emotional stress
of cancer.

Support Groups- Faraja has 6 main support groups that meet once every month. Breast, Cervical and Prostate Cancer Support
Groups meet every month, Head and Neck and Blood Cancers Support Group meet every three months and every Friday morning,
we have a parent’s support group at Kenyatta. These groups allow cancer patients to share and learn from each other’s experiences.

Crafts for Cure- This is a weekly art/music therapy program and food aid program that takes place every Wednesday and Friday at
KNH’s Children’s oncology wards. Faraja volunteers engage the children in arts and crafts; music and dance, aimed at helping them
cope with the side effects of treatment. Every Friday we also give milk and fruits to about 300 children at KNH.

Medical Assistance- With an increased cancer burden in Kenya and limited capacity for treatment in Government hospitals, a
number of patients have to seek treatment in private facilities. NHIF has recently started supporting some of the treatment in
private hospitals and clinics. However, there are some gaps. This is where Faraja comes in to provide financial assistance for medical
treatment. On the 12 th of November 2016, Faraja officially launched its medical fund the “Faraja Medical Support Fund.” This is a
corpus of funds that when invested, will ensure effective and timely treatment for up to 50 cancer patients a year, forever.

Information- Most cancer patients and their caregivers do not understand sufficiently what they are going through and have many
questions. Our well stocked resource library provides information on all types of cancers as well as demystifies jargons and
myths. We aim to be the one stop shop on cancer related publications and books. Access to our library is free.

Screening–From 2014 to 2016, every October, Nakumatt shoppers have donated smart points or cash at the till towards fighting
cancer. This was supplemented by some suppliers and Nakumatt. The campaign seeks to create awareness about the importance of
early detection in the fight against cancer. The contribution by Nakumatt, their shoppers and suppliers was used to screen for
breast, cervical and prostate cancer in different counties. We have been to 10 counties and screened over 13,000 people and
supported medical treatment of those diagnosed.

ii. Fundraising

To sustain our programs, various activities take place to raise funds throughout the year. Faraja has identified two main fund raising
events held annually: White Water Rafting in May and Kenya’s Biggest Coffee Morning in September and October. These two main
events raise between Ksh 6-7million annually, an amount that covers most of the costs relating to our free services mentioned in (i)
above including administration and operational costs. We also have friends of Faraja who put together fun activities, social events,
dinners and golf days for raising funds for Faraja. Our most notable recent event in October 2017, was a Fundraising dinner organized
in London by 2 London based oncologists that raised close to Ksh5m for the Faraja medical Support Fund.

iii. Partnerships and Collaborations

Faraja Cancer Support Trust does not work in isolation. As cancer is a growing problem in Kenya, Faraja has strategic collaborations
with organizations such as Kenyan Network of Cancer Organizations (KENCO), a network of cancer based organizations in Kenya.
Faraja Cancer Support Trust provides a platform for stakeholders, potential and existing partners to work together for a sustainable

Some of our most notable partnerships and collaborations include:

HCG-CCK Cancer Centre- Our wellness center in Nairobi is located within HCG-CCK premises along Shivachi Road, Parklands. They
have graciously waived the cost of rent and related services. This enables us to channel our resources into sustainable projects and
community based activities.

Safaricom Foundation- the Safaricom Foundation gave Faraja a grant of Kshs 5.6million for the construction of our wellness center.
The wellness center created additional space to carry out weekly programs that further our cancer support agenda. These include
support groups, physical exercises, workshops and group therapies.

Nakumatt Holdings- During the month of October, from 2014-2016,Nakumatt supermarket requested its shoppers to donate smart
points, buy goods from participating brands or donate cash at the till for a cancer awareness campaign called “Let’s Fight This Battle
Together.” The monies raised, which were topped up by Nakumatt, went towards free cancer screening and treatment of suspicious
cases arising from the screening. The campaign raised Kshs 32.5 million for free cancer screening and treatment.

Mamujee Brothers - For an organization that relies solely on donations, our long term partnerships with individuals, family trusts
and locally based foundations are a vital lifeline. Mamujee Brothers Foundation has been a constant reliable source of support
especially during our main fundraisers (Coffee morning and white water rafting) and our projects (screening). Mamujee Foundation
has donated over Kshs5million since Faraja’s inception.

iv. Organizational Structures

Faraja Cancer Support Trust is governed by an experienced and credible Board of Trustees and management team who include well-
respected business leaders and philanthropists drawn from financial services, legal and manufacturing sectors 2 . The Trust was
founded by Shaira Adamali, the Managing Trustee who has 31 years’ work experience with a leading professional services firm, PwC.
The staff team comprises one of qualified psychologist, one psychologist-cum-administration staff and a fundraising professional.
Faraja also has a pool of about 50 volunteers and therapists who assist at the center and in the implementation of community based
and outreach projects such as screening, awareness campaigns and crafts for cure feeding program.

Faraja also has Goodwill Ambassadors drawn mostly from the Creative Arts. They promote the Centre using their different platforms
and also carry out some fundraising activities.
Faraja Cancer Support Trust prides itself in its impeccable record on credibility and integrity. An annual report is prepared and the
financial statements are audited following International Accounting Standards (IAS) by RSM Eastern Africa. In addition, donors and
supporters are kept up to date on the on goings at Faraja through bi-annual donor care letters.


It is important to understand the scale of cancer prevalence in order to demonstrate why Faraja exists and the impact our services have to children and adults with cancer in Kenya. 

 According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 3 globally cancer causes more deaths than HIV, TB and Malaria combined. 70% of the global cancer burden is in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) like Kenya. In Kenya cancer it is the third highest cause of

Beside the physical burden, cancer patients are also faced with psycho emotional challenges as revealed by the research study carried out in 2012 titled, ‘The psychological and social profiles of cancer patients at Kenyatta National Hospital’. From a sample of 389 patients the study found that


Accountability to our partners and donors is important to us. Our annual reports show how, with the support of well-wishers, donors and friends of Faraja such as yourself, we can achieve our strategic objectives of giving hope, help and life to cancer patients and their caregivers. Our accounts are audited by RSM Eastern Africa and reflect where our income comes from and most importantly how we have spent it.  Our reports are published after every financial year, that is, after May each year. 

It is our mission to give hope, help and life to cancer patients and their caregivers. By expanding our services to other counties we are making our services more accessible to those in most need. We welcome the opportunity to partner with you. No one should have to face cancer alone. With your support, we can make this possible. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it does not change you”- Fred DeVito

V. Board of Trustees

Shaira Adamali, Managing Trustee

Shaira has worked with PwC in Tanzania and Kenya for 31 years, with over 10 years as a partner heading the PwC regional …

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Manu Chandaria

Manu is engaged in work within the framework of a joint Indian family with business interests in more than seventy count…

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Andrew Hollas

Andrew is a retired Territory Senior Partner of PwC and chairman of the Board of Trustees of Faraja. He is Chairman of B…

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